Partner Merchants Category

Partner Merchants Valid direct downline Account balance Assignable daily order Commission rate
Beginner 0 $1 25 0.41%
Intermediate 3 $ 300 35 0.45%
Advanced 9 $2,000 40 0.47%
Expert 18 $ 5,000 45 0.49%

Hmall Affiliate System offer a lucrative opportunity for members to earn more commissions through our 3-layer commission scheme. Starting at the default partner(Beginner), members can progressively unlock different partner merchant to get more benefits by meeting specific criteria. This table outlines the requirements for each partner merchant and the corresponding benefits

Partner merchants

Task Details

For example:

If the member current status is at (Expert), which means he/she must have a minimum of 18 first layer downlines, 11 second layer downlines and 6 third layer downlines and min of 5000 USD account balance. He /she will be able to do 45 daily order per day and single dispatched order amount would be around 500 USD to 3000 USD, and the commission for this single order would be 2.35 USD to 14.1 usd (0.47% rate each order).

Note: The amount of each product order is not the same, randomly dispatch according your current partner merchant requirements